Scrum Master Bootcamp: Elevate Your Agile Skills (6)

Payment Details:

  • Six payments of $1250
  • The first payment of $1250 will be deducted from your credit or debit card account immediately and you'll be emailed a receipt from Stripe or PayPal. An automatic recurring payment of $1250 will be taken every 30 days. The sixth and final payment will be taken automatically in 60 days. 

What you'll get:

  • 2x Live group calls every week
  • 10 Modules full of essential learning
  • Learn from world-class coaches
  • A Community platform to ask questions and meet like-minded people
  • Many resources for you to download to enrich your learning 
  • Quiz at the end of each lesson to consolidate your learning
  • Entrance to a 2-day academy and seat at the CSM test
  • One year access to our MentorMe Agile Exchange alumni group
  • Access to the Job Search & Logistics Video Library 

$1,250.00 USD

6 monthly payments

7 day trial
Your payment information will be stored on a secure server for future purchases

By checking this box, you confirm that you understand:

You are being charged $6000.00 immediately.

You will receive ongoing emails to receive information about this service/product, and you can unsubscribe at any time.

You also agree to the following terms and conditions:

By purchasing this program from us, you agree that we can contact you in the future, use your data/information to deliver our services or related content and that you alone are responsible for your results in life so you waive liability from us for your actions.

All of our data use, terms, and privacy information can be found at PRIVACY POLICY and TERMSWhen you submit information to us we use it in an ongoing nature to ensure you receive the information or purchases you've made with us, to deliver relevant future content via our emails, to track how much you use our sites or services, and to make future offers through our company.

When collecting your payment information via this site, we are using third-party software (Kajabi) that encrypts and processes your payment securely via Stripe. Their terms and conditions can be found on their respective websites.

We never share your information with any other company.

If you want us to no longer contact you or store your information, just write to us at [email protected] at any time with your request and we will begin removing you from our services or content.